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Sign the “Celebration without Exploitation” pledge…

If you live anywhere near Wisconsin, or Pennsylvania, you know what weekend is approaching. It’s that time of year again, Super Bowl weekend!

Us Wisconsinites, well it’s a sure bet we’re rooting for the Packers. And there’s no reason we can’t kick back this Sunday and enjoy the game. But, as we do so, we need to be aware of the unfortunate circumstances surrounding the Super Bowl and other major sporting events. This often includes an increase in the demand for girls (and yes, when we’re talking about thirteen years of age I do mean girls) and women who are trafficked, coerced, sold into virtual slavery, and otherwise exploited for sex as part of the “celebration.”

So, we’re not saying give up your fandom, or your Sunday afternoon armchair quarter-backing; but we’re asking that as many WI fans as possible sign the pledge we’ve formed with some of our community and coalition partners: “Celebration without Exploitation.” See the pledge form for more information, news articles, and resources. Remember, we’re also asking Pennsylvania fans to complete the pledge too, so Packer pride is on the line!

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